Telecommunication Solutions
Know you are getting the lowest possible telecommunications rates with NUR!

National Utilities Refund gets you the lowest possible telecom rates!
Our goal is to offer our clients support while streamlining their telecommunications programs through a balanced portfolio of vendors to deliver the lowest possible rates. We offer clients a single point of contact for local, long-distance, wireless, and data services. We are an outside resource acting as an inside consultant. This saves our clients money and time, allowing them to focus their energies on growing their businesses.
We have access to over 75+ telecommunication carriers to obtain the most competitive rates in the market. As a result of our relationships with many major telecommunications providers in the area, our clients can benefit from our knowledge of products and services available to them.
We Offer An Array Of Telecom Services
- Multiple carrier representation
- Discounted rate structures
- Tax/Fee evaluation
- Expense tracking
- Internet
- Web hosting/design
- Network design
- Equipment installations
- Various cellular providers
- Accessories
- Wireless Web
- Rate plan analysis
How we provide value
We will deliver true and uncontested cost savings by making your telecommunication expenses 100% accurate and cost-effective. Whether you are looking for a new solution or looking to upgrade to the latest technology, our telecommunication specialists will consult with you to understand your needs and make recommendations to help you make an informed decision.
- Product Savings
- Monthly Analysis
- Comprehensive Reports
- Rate Plan Recommendations
- Bill Payment Verification
- Routine Support
- Experienced Staff
- Ongoing evaluations
Our Process:
To evaluate alternative carrier rates for your business we need one bill copy for each telecommunication account as well as a copy of your existing telecommunication agreements, if applicable.
We can provide rates for your existing services and/or we can recommend alternative products if you are looking to upgrade your system, increase speeds or functionality.

Simple and stress-free approach.
You keep 100% of the telecom carrier rate savings!
When contracting with one of our telecom carriers, we can perform this as a broker service, so our compensation is paid by the telecom carrier. In return, the client keeps 100% of any savings achieved under the new telecom carrier contract.
Wireless Optimization
National Utility’s 48 Hour Wireless optimization can save your business up to 15% on your wireless bill, INSTANTLY!
You’ll keep the same:
- AT&T, Verizon or Sprint Network
- Devices/Phones
- Phone Numbers
Have Lines Under Agreement? NOT A Problem!
We’ll provide an optimization report in as little as 48 hours, comparing your current plan to our optimized solution. Keep your network and devices but save on average 10% to 15% even if you already receive discounts from the carrier! Get A No-Risk Obligation Comparison Today!

What will this cost?
There is ZERO Cost for NUR to handle your energy supply process. We provide you with multiple rates to compare and allow you to make a decision to move forward or not. We are compensated by the suppliers only when you move forward with a rate that you like.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Telecommunications
Are there any costs to move forward with a rate?
No. There are no out-of-pocket costs when you use a broker like National Utilities to procure telecom contracts. We will send you multiple rates to compare so you can make an informed decision.
If I have an energy consultant/broker, can I still review a multi-carrier rate comparison?
Yes! Most of our clients already have a supplier and/or are serviced by a broker. Since we have access to the largest supply network in the country, we can provide rates from suppliers that your existing consultant/broker does not have access to. In return, our multi-carrier rate comparison will help you determine whether you are truly receiving the lowest rate from your supplier and/or broker.