Energy Efficiency Consulting
The energy efficiency experts at NUR will guide you to HUGE savings in your organization's energy expenditures!

Delivering millions in energy savings to organizations nationwide!
After you’ve contracted the lowest possible rates with an energy broker and performed the utility bill audit to ensure your invoices are 100% accurate, you can further reduce utility expenses by becoming more energy efficient.
NUR partnered with some of the leading providers of energy efficiency to help you drastically reduce your consumption of energy and water.
- Water Efficient fixtures
- LED Lighting
- Energy Room Management
- HVAC and PTAC efficiency
- Food Waste Digesters
- Hospitality Equipment procurement
Why perform an energy audit with NUR?
As a leader in the commercial and industrial energy space, we offer an array of energy efficiency solutions to our clients. We have the knowledge to be able to quickly identify areas of weakness and inefficiency in your building and pair you with the right solution for energy savings.
Water Efficient Fixtures
Efficient Water/Plumbing Fixtures: Outdated and inefficient fixtures and fittings account for substantial utility waste and costs. Improving existing water systems by implementing low flow/flush measures provides significant ROI and guest experience.
These measures include: water-efficient toilets, low-flow showerheads, aerators, and more.

LED Lighting
LED Lighting: Utilizing a top-three national lighting provider to procure GE, Sylvania, and Philips, etc., at great discounts while also seeking out rebates for that lighting – clients should be targeted by heavily rebated areas – sometimes ROI’s brought under a year or less due to rebates/incentives. Customized portal based on your location’s needs for tracking and re-ordering lamps with ease.
Hospitality Equipment Procurement
Our partners have leveraged long term relationships in the hospitality industry to be able to supply brand names like Samsung, LG, Danby, Amana, GE, and more. As this isn’t our core business our mark up for profit is significantly less than other hotel buying groups so we are able to provide deep discounts on products such as TV’s, Fridges, microwaves, ice machines, safes PTACS and more. We win over 85% of the bids we place for these items. Try us out and enjoy 10-25% savings with “like for like” products and unparalleled management of the delivery process.
- PTAC’s
- Microwaves
- Televisions
- Refrigerators

Energy Room Management
Regulates room energy usage based on occupancy and temperature usage trends (sleep time, etc.). New advances utilize motion, infrared detection, door sensors to maximize savings. Reduce HVAC runtimes by 40% with an award-winning, plug & play EMS system
CycleGuard+: Stabilize temperature readings in walk-in coolers and freezers by monitoring food temperature rather than the temperature of ambient air — Saves kWh of compressor ramping up and down based upon ambient air, University Study shows increased compressor life by 40% – lessens service calls due to less wear and tear on walk-in, reduce compressor starts by up to 70%. Reduces the risk of food spoilage from maintenance problems.

Let us save you money on your energy expenses!
National Utilities Refund has the experience to provide the best Energy Efficiency Consulting for your business or organization. If you are looking to save money on your utility bills and obtain a refund for past overpayments, let us show you how we can help!